Prohibition of Unauthorized Collection of Email Addresses

We reject the unauthorized collection of e-mail addresses posted on this website using e-mail collection programs or other technical devices.

Please note that e-mail addresses published on this Website must not be collected by anyone through electronic mail collecting programs or other technical measures without proper and prior approval, and that any violation of this rule will be subjecttocriminalpunishmentunder the Information Communication Network Law.


Article 20-2 of the Information Communication Network Law

  • 1. No one is allowed to collect e-mail addresses by using an e-mail auto-collecting program or other technical measures on websites that prohibit unauthorized collection of email addresses.
  • No one is allowed to sell or distribute e-mail addresses collected in violation of Clause 1.
  • No one is allowed to use such e-mail addresses to send information with knowledge that they must not be collected, sold and distributed based on Clauses 1 and 2. If you experience or are a victim of illegal electronic mail collection using technical devices as specified above, please report to the Illegal SPAM Response Center (Tel: 1336 /

Posted on 2022-05-01